Terms & Agreements
By booking a session, you accept the following terms and agreements.

I love and encourage location changes, outfit changes, pets, and props! Your scheduled time slot is yours to use however you please, but note that various moving parts may result in fewer delivered photos in your final gallery. The 75 photo minimum for an hour session is contingent on the client's punctuality and/or creative choices during their allotted timeframe. Sessions are based on time, not on the amount of photos taken. Being on time is crucial to the quality of your session, especially if the photographer has multiple bookings in one day and must promptly leave.

Please note that I reserve full rights to post sessions on social media, websites, personal ads, and other published blogs or magazines. This term is agreed upon once you book your session unless special circumstances or requests prior to booking are otherwise stated. Fees may be applied to clients who wish to reserve posting rights after booking.

Artistic Discretion; No Specific Images delivered. Every reasonable effort will be made to take pictures you love or request, but no specific pose or photograph can be guaranteed. The Couple agrees that the Photographer has sole artistic discretion in the performance of the services and shall not hold Photographer responsible for any specific image.

If unforeseen circumstances arise durning your session (i.e. outside parties interfering, sudden illness, non-compliant children, etc) that make you feel you did not have sufficient time/photos at your session, please communicate this before the conclusion of your session. At the end of every session the photographer will ask clients if everything is satisfactory and if there are any final ideas before departure. Discussing additional photos, dates, times, or refunds will not be valid after departure of the session. Photographer is not responsible for client's poor experience due to any outside party's interference as well as pet or child's non-compliance. Photographer does not offer additional dates/times or refunds due to unfortunate circumstances during session.

The photographer is not solely responsible for ensuring that the chosen locations are open to professional photography. The client holds equal responsibly and will not be refunded if it is mandated we relocate. All unforeseen fees will be divided among the photographer and client equally. Photographer reserves the right to withhold photos for failure to provide payment of any kind.